PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) microneedling treatments have become highly sought-after, non-surgical procedures for skin rejuvenation. Microneedling with PRP has been used for decades to stimulate collagen production and rejuvenate skin cells. This treatment is effective for treating fine to deep wrinkles, large pores and uneven skin texture.

This age-defying wrinkle treatment stimulates collagen production and cell migration, resulting in fresh, healthy, younger-looking skin. You can add PRP to Microneedling which helps with:

  • Improving skin texture
  • Adding volume to face and neck
  • Smooth fine lines and wrinkles around and below eyes
  • Soften dark hollows around eyes
  • Minimize wrinkles and lines around mouth
  • Diminish acne scars and stretch marks

PRP involves the use of your own blood plasma, enriched through a special process to increase the concentration of platelets. These platelets contain bioactive proteins and growth factors that serve to accelerate tissue repair and regeneration and to activate stem cells. Adding your plasma to the microneedling treatment encourages rapid cell turnover, helping rebuild the deeper levels of the skin. PRP microneedling encourages your body to release growth factors that promote your body’s healing cascade and rebuild the deeper levels of the skin.

We pride ourselves with providing quality treatments to patients with minimal discomfort and as little downtime as necessary. To achieve this, we carefully numb the face prior to the procedure so that there is minimal pain with the microneedling. The procedure is personalized to your skin type and concerns. Patients can expect mild post-procedure effects similar to a mild-to-moderate sunburn.
